• | Named Insured - Any person, firm or corporation designated by name as the insured person(s) in a policy. Others may be protected by policy definition even though their names aren't on the policy, such as other drivers operating (with consent) the named insured's covered auto. |
• | Named Non-Owner Policy - A policy endorsement for one who operates any non-owned automobile on a regular basis, such as driving a car provided by one's employer. |
• | No-fault Coverage - No-fault coverage pays for injuries to you and certian other eligible individuals regardless of who is at-fault. |
• | No-Fault Insurance - Many states have enacted auto accident compensation laws permitting auto accident victims to collect directly from their own insurance companies for medical and hospital expenses regardless of who was at fault in the accident. Although there are many legal variations of no-fault insurance, most states still allow people to sue the negligent party if the amount of damages exceeds a certain state-determined threshold. |
• | Non-Owned Auto - Any vehicle that is not owned, borrowed, or leased by the insured, and which is used primarily for a business purpose. |